Sunday, July 7, 2013


February 2: Everyone knows that chemotherapy causes hair loss, just sometimes it comes out faster than expected. On the morning of February 2 I had hair, by 5 o’clock with the help of a roll of tape and a caring mother, I didn't.  Bonus, the tape made awesome fake mustaches. 
February 6:  I was back in the hospital receiving chemo. We were able to finish part of the treatment at home to get out of the hospital ASAP.
 February 7: Hospital work is thousands times worse than home work.
February 9: Mafia party rocked, even if some people got a little too carried away. It’s only a game, your not really getting killed.
          February 17: I felt much better; my counts did not drop with this round of Ara-C chemo treatment like last time because They say I was not sick unlike last time had the flu. Doctors will not let us go anywhere, we wanted to drive to the ocean this weekend, but they worry about my platelets that are on the border line of transfusion. Right now if all I am worrying about is going somewhere, life is good! It almost feels normal again. Almost.
February 26: I’m still having back pain and a little knee pain but with morphine it's controllable. In the hospital again. Talkative nurse equals zero sleep time. Mom helped trim the 6 hairs I have growing back.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Its Back!

It has been over 5 months since I have updated my blog. The reason I started this blog was to inform, entertain, be able to reflect on my accomplishments, and to give hope where need; because without hope, we’d just be an empty shell of skin and bones.  So, in order to summarize 5 long months of chemotherapy I will write 5 post, one for each month. Starting with February and ending in June.