Monday, January 7, 2013


                The hospital room is like a prison cell, it has four wall. Entering the room you see two hospital beds same size same blanket same everything. The walls are white. And the floor is a dirty cream color. There are two Flat screen TVs on the wall counter of the beds. Moving towards the back of the hospital room on the lot is another sink. Facing forward is a window facing train track. Turning left you enter the bath room just a toilet and a shower.                                                                                      
                For the stay we mostly tried to keep our sprits high, and fighting boredom with everything I knew how. My father and I connected the PS3 with a lot of luck and bubble gum. So, I played a few games. Without any Internet connection first person shooters are the best way to become even more bored. Then the visitors, not the type that you like, the ones that you don't know who they are because they're your parents colleagues. And nobody knows what to say. One big awkward moment. For the next few days I had to find many different ways to stay entertained. Most of them lasted for an hour or so. Then my tailbone pain would become too much and I would fall asleep on the Morphine.


  1. Zach, here's an idea. Treat your stay like a deployment. They get cut off from a lot of stuff. Think of things, or get to located things that are allowable for a deployment. It's like when you go camping, you can't take everything, but you can still build your own little "cubby". Now, use two methods of collecting your deployment items. What isn't allowable in your hospital room, keep and document it's use and reason on a computer, then set if the staff will print it out from you. Items that are allowed, keep in your room. Get the idea? You can basically build a virtual environment. That would be very kewlll
    Judy Ricker
    (I work with your dad).

    1. Thank you for your advice. For right now my blog time is about a month behind. This might be confusing some people. I need to get it up to date. Its just a lot of important things have happened That I would like people to know.

    2. Thank you for your advice. For right now my blog time is about a month behind. This might be confusing some people. I need to get it up to date. Its just a lot of important things have happened That I would like people to know.

  2. Hello Zack, my name is Mary Ann and I grew up with your father Mark....just wanted you to know that I am praying for your recovery and am following you.....I have told my girls about you here at work and my family at home and we are all sending our prayers your way. Hang in there. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
    xoxo, Mary Ann

    Lincoln, California

  3. Hey Zack, its Adam Andre from Company! I wish you the best of luck man, we all are missing you back at Churchill! I hope you get through this with flying colors, and good day Zack!
